After two years of largely virtual events, the summits, seminars and conferences are starting to show up on our calendars again. In-person team meetings and gatherings are making a come-back as well as we all revel in getting things done – together!

If your meeting facilitation skills are a touch rusty, use these five must-know tips to achieve a polished result.

1. BYOM (Bring Your Own Markers)

Come ready with a fresh pack of dry erase-friendly markers. This way you’ll be covered in case your venue doesn’t provide them or the provided ones are dry or in hard-to-read colors. Avoid low-visibility colors like yellow or orange, and use markers with a thick point. If your audience is expected to take notes or contribute, have extra writing implements and paper available.  

2. Check COVID and Other Safety Protocols

COVID might not be #1 on people’s minds these days, but it’s still with us! Check case numbers in your area, follow recommended protocols for masking, social distancing, and vaccination status, and provide virtual attendance options for the immunocompromised. Share information about health and safety procedures such as emergency exit routes or the location of first-aid spaces. 

3. Get on Top of the Food Situation

If you’re in charge of food, ensure that snacks, beverages, breakfast, and lunch are provided. Cater to a variety of dietary requirements and make sure that food is labeled. Prior to your meeting, confirm any allergies and provide separate, allergen-free food. If food isn’t provided, make it easy for attendees to order meals, or share a list of nearby dining options.

4. Use Visuals for Wayfinding and Time Management

Visuals set the mood, guide people to where they need to be, and help keep your meeting on track. Print and place welcome signs, wayfinding messaging, and meeting outlines. Have a large sheet or whiteboard where you can “park” attendee questions or ideas to return to after the end of the meeting. 

5. Organize Room Layout and Seating

Avoid a free-for-all when it comes to seating. Arrive early to set up your meeting room in a way that’s most conducive to your agenda and format. Don’t forget to check your tech before you start! Provide adequate seating, with some seats designated for speakers or those with mobility requirements. 

Facilitating a meeting involves juggling a number of moving parts. We hope these five simple tips will help you prepare for a successful in-person event! Need tips on hosting a memorable meeting, or assistance with note-taking and recording? Get in touch!

If your meeting facilitation skills are a touch rusty, use these five must-know tips to achieve a polished result.

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Visual Thinker | Graphic Recorder | Sketchnote Artist at See In Colors
Lisa Nelson loves combining art with life. She is the Founder and Chief Visual Strategist of See In Colors where she leads a team that designs, facilitates, and captures conversations with hand-drawn pictures. By blending the power of visuals, communication and project management, Lisa helps organization have impact for social change. See In Colors is based in the Washington, D.C. area and serves clients world-wide.


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