My Creative Business – Special Interview

My Creative Business – Special Interview

Hi Everyone,

I have some exciting news to share.

I was interviewed recently by Vera Raposo, business coach and mastermind at Your Creative Biz.   Vera offers products and services for creative entrepreneurs.  I was delighted to do this interview and honored for her to introduce me to her creative community.  Thanks Vera 😀

During the interview, I share how I got started with graphic recording, what was my turning point, and tips I have learned for business success.

You can check out my interview with Vera here.

creative business interview, graphic recording, sketchnotes, washington d.c.

Do you have a creative business or dream of one?  Please share what it is.  Just comment below.

Dan Miller Interview – Wisdom Meets Passion

Dan Miller Interview – Wisdom Meets Passion

Dan Miller is an author, coach, entrepreneur, speaker, and a creative thinker of low cost business ideas.  “Wisdom Meets Passion” (affiliate link) is the name of Dan Miller’s new book .  It’s a great collaboration between Dan and his son Jared.

I feel like I know Dan on a first name basis because I am member of the 48 days community and I have listened to his podcasts for years!  I often rotate and try out new podcasts, but Dan never goes out of rotation.

I was happy to learn that Jen McDonough, also a 48 days community member, was interviewing Dan for her radio show.   You can  hear the full interview here.

See my sketchnotes below for the rich pieces I heard during this interview.

For a larger view, click the image to expand.

Dan Miller, 48 days, Wisdom Meets Passion, Jen McDonough, Sketchnotes

What was your favorite take-away?  Comment below.

Building Your Small Biz – Advice from Melinda Emerson

Building Your Small Biz – Advice from Melinda Emerson

The Pennsylvania Conference for Women (#Pennwomen) hosted an information packed teleseminar called “Building Your Business” with Melinda Emerson.  If you have a small biz and you missed this, you can check it out here.

Melinda Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady, is America’s #1 small business expert and publisher of Succeed As Your Own Boss.  I’ve heard Melinda speak many times and she always delivers the goods.  So glad I had a chance to hear this teleseminar.

If you are not listening to seminars and podcasts on a regular basis, I encourage you to give it a try.

Whether I’m walking my dog or driving my car, there is always time to hear something new that I can learn and apply to my business.

Listening is also key to my work as a Sketchnote Artist and Graphic Recorder, so this was a great opportunity to keep my skills sharp.

See my sketchnotes below from the session.

  • Enjoy
  • Learn,
  • and Apply!

You can click on the image to expand.

 Melinda Emerson, #PennWomen, Building Your Business, Pennsylvania Conference for Women

What was your biggest take-away?  What will you take action on today?  Comment below.


How to Start Your Top 50 Prospect List

How to Start Your Top 50 Prospect List

Here is some great advice that you can put into action.

Tory Johnson is a speaker , author, and contributor on Good Morning America.  Tory is the visionary behind Women for Hire career expos and Spark & Hustle a national conference for business owners.  Tory is passionate about small business owners succeeding and her advice is to work from a Top 50 Prospect List.

Tory says, at all times, you should be adding people. companies, associations to your Top 50 that you want to do business with in the future.  This should be a living list, meaning you keep adding and taking away names as needed.  When you have your Top 50 you can be laser focused on who you will market to and how you will serve them.

That advice gave me the inspiration to draw this picture and start my own Top 50."Tory Johnson" @ToryJohnson Entrepreneur SketchNotes


Who do you put on your top 50 list? How do you generate leads?  Well, let’s step back.  You provide a service/product that solves a problem.  Who is having this problem? Who could use your help?  The answer is your top 50 prospects.

Now I have to admit, I was happy with my list of 5 prospects.  When I heard 50, I thought to myself “Aaargh.”

But you know what?  I’ve been chipping away at it, and I have 46 now.  I’m on a roll.

You can use any tool to keep track of your top 50.  My favorite method right now is using the Twitter list feature to keep track of mine.

By the time you read this, I may have my 50 already.  Woot!  You can do it, and it’s soooo worth it.

Don’t forget the Spark & Hustle conference, it’s a sure-fire way to build your  Top 50 list!

How do you find names for your Top 50 Prospect List?  Comment below.

How To Maximize Business Growth

How To Maximize Business Growth

How to maximize business growth.

I bet everyone wants to learn the secret to that.  Especially heading into the New Year!

That’s why I joined tons of others to hear Angela Jia Kim at the Google+ Hangout today.

I learned so much from Angela during this session.  When I learn, I share.  So here are all the golden nuggets captured in a visual summary.

Angela Kim

Big thanks to Colleen DeBaise of Entrepreneur for hosting this session and featuring my visual summary here.

What was your biggest take-away?  Please comment below.

Read any good books lately?  Leaders are Readers – Jim Rohn

Read any good books lately? Leaders are Readers – Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn, Book, Read, Success, LeadershipRead any good books lately?  I have not read any good books lately, but I have listened to MANY good books.  I devour audiobooks because it’s so convenient.  I can listen while walking, driving, and even having lunch.  One of my favorite audiobooks is The Art of Exceptional Living by Jim Rohn.  Jim Rohn was a speaker, motivational coach, and a philosopher.

Jim Rohn once said “If you want to hide something put it in a book“.

Isn’t that interesting?  There is so much good information to be discovered in the pages of a book.  I’m glad that success leaves clues.

His sound advice has stuck with me over the years and he is a classic.  If you want to step up your game on leadership, take his advice.  Leaders are Readers.  That was the inspiration for this drawing.

"Jim Rohn" Quote "Sketch Notes" Leadership Entrepreneur Success

Resources & Affiliates

The largest collection of Classic Jim Rohn materials can be found here.   Everything from journals, books and audio by Jim Rohn and other popular  thought leaders are available at the Success store.

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