Project: GE Advanced Manufacturing Summit

Project: GE Advanced Manufacturing Summit

This week I had the privilege of working with Wildman Event Group and GE for the #AdvancedManufacturing Summit. Speakers included Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio and Steve Case, founder of AOL. This event brought over 300 attendees together to discuss the future of Advanced Manufacturing (#futurefactory).

The Advanced Manufacturing Summit was held at Dock5 Union Market, Washington DC.  This was my first time at this event space and it was an awesome venue.

Graphic Recording #AdvancedManufacturing #futurefactory Washington, DC

This ceiling had tons of light bulbs hanging down and it was so reminiscent of GE.   I even included some light bulbs in my chart!

GE Ventures, Dock5 Union Market, Washington DC

Completed Chart - Graphic Recording for GE Ventures, Washington DC

#Futurefactory Completed Chart of Graphic Recording

Here is the completed chart showing the key points from the presentations, panel discussions and input from attendees.

I even saved space for ideas from attendees during the reception.  My favorite response from an attendee was about the future of Advanced Manufacturing, his answer was “Making things is going to be COOL”.

What stands out for you in the chart? Leave a comment and let me know.


How to Leverage Hashtags at Your Conference

How to Leverage Hashtags at Your Conference


Hashtags are popping up everywhere.  #hashtagsaretakingover.  Okay, I just had to do that, because creating a hashtag is just that simple.  

A  hashtag is composed of a single word or phrase beginning with a “#” and with no spaces or punctuation. Hashtags were originally created by Twitter users and have now been adapted across all of social media.

You can start to leverage the power of hashtags when planning your next conference.

Before the conference:

  1. Include the hashtag in all of your printed and online materials.  For example, the event program, handouts, sponsor package, and PowerPoint slides.
  2. Update the social media profile for the organization or event to include the hashtag in the profile description.
  3. Use social media to bring awareness about the event and include the hashtag in all posts.  Remind your event team, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers to spread the word using the hashtag.
  4. Promote your events using hashtags by having contests and give-aways.  Partner with sponsors for a win-win on both sides.  This will generate interest and buzz around your event.

During the conference

  1. Remind attendees from the stage (during breaks, before lunch, etc) to tweet or post their pictures and favorite moments of the conference using the hashtag.
  2. Display posts and tweets from attendees with the hashtag during breaks.
  3. I always include the hashtag of the event when I am graphic recording. For example, here is an image I created real time at a Small Business Think Tank hosted by Dell.  I included  the hashtag #smallbizphilyy. If you are using a Graphic Recorder, ask them to include the hashtag in all the visual summaries for your event.

Dell, #smallbizphilly, Graphic Recording, Small Business Conference

#thatisall… Of course, I have to end this post with a hashtag.

Please share and comment below.


Dell Small Business Think Tank, Philadelphia

Dell Small Business Think Tank, Philadelphia

Dell used the power of graphic recording at each of their Think Tank sessions, which focused on small business and entrepreneurship.  I was excited to be the Graphic Recorder for the Philadelphia stop on the tour, #smallbizphilly.  The purpose of this event was to create an open, honest and collaborative forum with 30 to 45 influential small business owners, entrepreneurs, startups and local leaders in the area.

Graphic recording allowed participants to see the connections in the conversation.  The visual images also allowed Dell to capture meaningful feedback so they can better serve the small business community.

The Business Experts included Melinda EmersonJosh Kopelman, and Ammi Kassar.

The session started with a review of the infographic I created prior to the event.  The infographic was based on a survey of small business owners in Philadelphia.

To expand, click the image.

Each of the business experts led sessions giving advice and answering questions.  Check out the visual summaries I created real-time during this event.

Graphic recording for #smallbizphilly think tank hosted by Dell, Melinda Emerson - @smallbizlady

Graphic recording for #smallbizphilly think tank hosted by Dell, Josh Kopelman - @joshk

Graphic recording for #smallbizphilly think tank hosted by Dell, Ami Kassar - @akassar

What was your biggest takaway from the images above? Please share and leave a comment.

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