by Lisa | Nov 14, 2018 | Event Planning, Facilitation, Graphic Recording
Tired of boredom in the boardroom? Us too! Those company meetings do not have to be the same thing every time. There is nothing worse than losing your audience when you go over those numbers with the team. Sleeping supervisor in the corner? No more! We have some tips to help you keep your coworkers engaged throughout the meeting agenda!

Bring back inspiration and participation to your meeting with motivational quotes! Transform the blank walls in your space with colorful quotes, one-liners and more. Use that blank space to your advantage. Prepare some quotes ahead of time for your presentation, using them as references throughout your discussion. Spark some new ideas, productivity and more with motivational quotes. Keep your quotes colorful. Neutral tones can be dull and fade into the background. You can use flip charts to draw your quotes and post them on the walls throughout the room. Space them out to help draw the eye in each spot of the meeting area.
Right away, your coworkers will notice a difference and be excited for what’s to come. The switch up of scenery can be just want your meeting needs for a renewed spirit in the workplace. This update can be the perfect solution to ease tension for large company planning meetings as well! Help get team members comfortable and excited to contribute to the meeting.
As you talk about these quotes, ask your participants to share what quote resonates the most with most. This feedback can help you with future presentations as well. If there is a certain type of quote, idea, theme that stands out the most – make a note of it. You will want to continue sharing items along those lines with each presentation or meeting.
Do you have a big meeting coming up? Let our team help prepare some visuals for your space. Get ready for a great time with your team thanks to motivational quotes! For additional help, be sure to download our free guide to a better workshop HERE!
by Lisa | Apr 15, 2017 | Event Planning
The event you planned is over. Whew!
But…now you are trying to figure out, how to keep engagement going with your attendees.
Sending a thank you letter is a quick and effective way to do it. This is how one of my clients kept the conversation going after their Women In Government Contracting Conference.
It’s a short video with big impact, click the image below to watch.
Thanks for watching! Let me know know your feedback, I’d love to hear from you. If you find this valuable, please share this with someone you know.
If you want to use visual images for your next project, conference, or strategy session, contact me for ideas.
by Lisa | Aug 10, 2016 | Event Planning
Last Wednesday I attended the annual BizBash Elevate Conference. Bizbash is an idea and resource hub for event planners. The conference was held at the illustrious Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC.
I pay attention to detail and let me tell you, I was so impressed to walk thru the auditorium and there was David Adler, the founder of BizBash reaching out to shake my hand and thank me for attending. In a time when we are heads down in our phones – texting and tweeting, it was a pleasant surprise for him to offer a smile and a handshake. That will always stand out in my book!
Our day kicked off with a keynote from Ben Parr, the author of Captivology. He shared some gold nuggets about attention triggers and memory. All critical things to know if you want to captivate your audience, your attendees, or your client. Here is my sketchnote from his talk.

After the keynote, I went to the AOL breakout session where they gave us an inside look at how they leverage branding. Their ideas were high tech and high touch, with an emphasis on multiple touch points. For example for Cannes Lions 2016, AOL used creative branding in their catering, elevator doors, and in the swimming pool

Check out dessert, tasty and a beautiful presentation.
Next up, time for the luncheon. During our lunch, I learned so much about the PIC. No, I don’t mean PIC as in picture. I mean PIC as in the Presidential Inauguration Committee. Learning the ins and outs of planning for the inauguration was amazing.
After lunch, I attended 5 Ways to Crush Every Event Challenge, presented by Univision. Paulina Tapia’s gave some great ideas on how to save money and be creative in re-using your marketing and promo items.
The closing session was all about trends and the best ideas from coast to coast. The editors shared tons of unique ideas to shake it up for attendees to return to your event. One of my favorite ideas was using coloring books at events. If it has to do with coloring and drawing, I’m all in!
I want to give a shout-out to some of the great people I met like Nicole Gallub at Pelonkey, Vinh Nguyen and Corey Frank at FoundryCrew, Stacey Powell Williams, Kea Taylor at Imagine Photography, Joe Felperin at CadmiumCD, Ghana Odet Wilson at Film Life, ilana Moreno at Linder Global, Khadija Campbell and Vanessa Gibson at AUSA, Angelique Agutter at dimarva events, Sarah Peterson at Woolly Mammoth, Brittney Lanni at O’Keefe Communications, Craig Weisbaum and Kaitlyn McNaney at Talkingtree Creative, Veronica Carter at GBTA, and Latoya Lewis at Envent U.
Have you attended a BizBash event? Tell me about it. Please comment and share 🙂