by Lisa | Nov 19, 2012 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized
The Virginia Women’s Business Conference was filled with powerful leaders and business owners with a vision. The conference (#VWBC2012) was on 11/16/12 this year.
It was all about moving your business and your mindset forward.
One of the featured speakers, Vernice Armour, was unforgettable. Vernice is a former Captain in the United States Marine Corps who was the first African-American female naval aviator in the Marine Corps and America’s first African American female combat pilot in the United States military.
Wow, what a huge accomplishment!
Now, she is a motivational speaker, author and coach. She shared her message on breakthrough mentality at the #VWBM2012.
Key take-aways from Vernice Armour:
- Go for Plan “A”
- 95% of businesses fail within the first 3-5 years. Not true, “they give up”
- Create a conversation in social media, not just SHOUT OUTS
- “Opportunities don’t go away. Other people just take advantage of them”
I drew these visual summaries to capture the conversation and the motivation.
Click on any of the pictures below to enlarge or watch the slideshow.
[AFG_gallery id=’6′]
Stay tuned for more visual summaries of the conference.
@seeincolors gives special thanks to @vawomenbizcon, @Prepare2Speak, @ TinaPruitt, @amandamogul and many others who were busy tweeting. It was so helpful!
Are you going for your Plan A? I am! Comment below.
by Lisa | Oct 20, 2012 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized

October 12-13, 2012 was Power Boost Live (#PBL12) weekend!
I flew to Phoenix, AZ to be a part of this wonderful community and work with Pamela Slim’s marketing conference. Pam Slim is a writer, speaker, and business coach who had the vision for this one of a kind conference.
Weeks before the conference started, the Power Boost facebook group was jumping with activity.
It felt like everyone was ready to see their business Take-Off.
That energy, combined with my long flight, gave me the inspiration for this picture. “Prepare For Take-Off“.
The 2 day marketing conference was packed with innovative entrepreneurs and business owners. Attendees ranged from life coaches, speakers, and authors to artists and a drummer! I created visual summaries for 6 sessions which included 4 keynotes. 
We learned that you can have the BEST business in the world, but if nobody knows about it, you’re not in business.
Marketing is CRITICAL to being a successful entrepreneur.
See the visual summaries below for key-points, tips and insight.
Your Marketing Root by Pamela Slim
Marketing Fundamentals by Pamela Slim
Your Customer Life Cycle by Dan Ralphs, Infusionsoft
Your Marketing Presence by Cheryl Dolan
Prepare a Killer Launch by Tim Grahl
Reflections and Take-Aways
Click on any of the pictures below to enlarge or watch the slideshow.
[AFG_gallery id=’4′]
Resources & Affiliates
Power Boost Marketing Program
I have personally worked with Pamela Slim and I am a part of the great community she has built. I can’t say enough about the take action mindset and support you will get when joining this community. Check out the video and testimonials, you have nothing to lose. To learn more, just click here.
Escape From Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur
“Escape From Cubicle Nation” by Pam Slim is one of my favorite books on entrepreneurship. I love Pam’s advice because she encourages little tests and experiments. Her approach helps you get “unstuck” and gives you the jumpstart to build and grow your business. Love it! See all options available, click here.
What marketing tip have you learned or used recently? Comment below.
by Lisa | Aug 12, 2012 | Business, Leadership, Uncategorized
All I can say is “Wow”. I had to share my visual notes from the 2012 Global Leadership Summit (WCGLS). Let me say it again, “Wow”.
This was my first summit with WCGLS and I can’t wait till the next one. I attended the summit at my local church (First Baptist Church of Glenarden), which was a host site for the event. The theme of the summit was “Lead Where You Are” and it applies to so many areas of life. It doesn’t matter if you are a church leader, business owner, student, or volunteer. We can all lead where we are.
I was so impressed with Bill Hybels. Not only for delivering a powerful message but also for DOODLING. That’s right. In front of over 160,000 people, he illustrated “sowing more seeds” and made us laugh while doing it. He drew a stick man, dots for seeds, and a scribbly tree on his flip chart. Bill Hybels understands the power of visual thinking…Yay! Gotta love that.
Look below and you will find my visual notes from Day 1 of Bill Hybels, Jim Collins, and Craig Groeschel.

Double Click to View Larger Size

Double click for Larger Size
Don’t miss my post Visual Quotes from the Global Leadership Summit – Day 2.
Resources & Affiliates
Too Busy Not to Pray
“Too Busy Not to Pray” by Bill Hybels was a part of my mother’s book collection and it’s one of my favorites on prayer.
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t
“Good to Great..” by Jim Collins gives sound business advice based on his research of great companies. This was a good read and I recommend it for any business owner.
What’s your biggest takeaway? What are you going to put into action? Leave a comment below.
by Lisa | Aug 12, 2012 | Business, Leadership, Uncategorized
Visual quotes from day 2 at the 2012 Global Leadership Summit (WCGLS).
On day 2, I tried something different. Instead of visual notes, I am calling these visual quotes! Here’s why. I created images by choosing one powerful quote from 4 different sessions. These words really resonated with me. I even noticed the same quotes being tweeted (#wcgls, #wcagls) on Twitter. So, I’m not the only one who found these gold nuggets. Below are my visual quotes from Geoffrey Canada, Bill Hybels, and Pranitha Timothy. Click the image to view larger size.

Wondering how I made these images? I created all images for Day 1 and Day 2 using my iPAD 2 and the Brushes drawing application. For Day 1 images I used a Pogo stylus to draw. For day 2, I skipped the stylus and just let my fingers do the drawing 😀
Don’t miss my post Visual Notes from the Global Leadership Summit – Day 1.
Resources & Affiliates
Too Busy Not to Pray
“Too Busy Not to Pray” by Bill Hybels was a part of my mother’s book collection and it’s one of my favorites on prayer.
Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada’s Quest to Change Harlem and America
Geoffrey Canada’s story of changing neighborhoods one block at time is amazing. He was so inspiring at the Global Leadership Summit and this book about his story is on my reading list.
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
“Getting to Yes…” co-authored by William Ury shows you how to handle conflict and negotiate successfully.
Which of these powerful quotes resonate with you? Comment below.
by Lisa | Jun 8, 2012 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized

When I heard that Pam Slim was having a twitter party to promote Power Boost Live, I was pumped.
I’ve been following Pam for a long time and she is one of my favorite business coaches and authors.
Since I am a total newbie on Twitter, I figured this was a good way to stick my toe in the water. This was also the first time I attended an event hosted by Karl Staib of Party Biz Connect. Everything went smoothly, no technical difficulties 🙂
Pam shared tons of tips mixed with her real life experiences. Take a peak at the graphic recording below. Tell me, what do you think is the hardest part of marketing? Do you have a favorite marketing tip to share?
You can double click the image below to see it in full size.
Resources & Affiliates
Escape From Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur
“Escape From Cubicle Nation” is one of my favorite books on entrepreneurship. I love Pam’s advice because she encourages little tests and experiments. Her approach helps you get “unstuck” and gives you the jumpstart to build and grow your business. Love it! Click here.
Power Boost Marketing Program
I have personally worked with Pamela Slim and I am a part of the great community she has built. I can’t say enough about the take action mindset and support you will get when joining this community. Check out the video and testimonials, you have nothing to lose. To learn more, just click here.

Graphic Recording of Twitter Party with Pam Slim