by Lisa | Dec 19, 2012 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized
How to maximize business growth.
I bet everyone wants to learn the secret to that. Especially heading into the New Year!
That’s why I joined tons of others to hear Angela Jia Kim at the Google+ Hangout today.
I learned so much from Angela during this session. When I learn, I share. So here are all the golden nuggets captured in a visual summary.

Big thanks to Colleen DeBaise of Entrepreneur for hosting this session and featuring my visual summary here.
What was your biggest take-away? Please comment below.
by Lisa | Dec 18, 2012 | Productivity, Uncategorized
Read any good books lately? I have not read any good books lately, but I have listened to MANY good books. I devour audiobooks because it’s so convenient. I can listen while walking, driving, and even having lunch. One of my favorite audiobooks is The Art of Exceptional Living by Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn was a speaker, motivational coach, and a philosopher.
Jim Rohn once said “If you want to hide something put it in a book“.
Isn’t that interesting? There is so much good information to be discovered in the pages of a book. I’m glad that success leaves clues.
His sound advice has stuck with me over the years and he is a classic. If you want to step up your game on leadership, take his advice. Leaders are Readers. That was the inspiration for this drawing.

Resources & Affiliates
The largest collection of Classic Jim Rohn materials can be found here. Everything from journals, books and audio by Jim Rohn and other popular thought leaders are available at the Success store.
by Lisa | Dec 11, 2012 | Productivity, Uncategorized
A few months ago, I had a great experience working with Pam Slim at her Power Boost Live event. Wow, that was some conference (see blog post here).
Valerie Steiger was one of the featured speakers. Valerie is a Master Coach and specializes in retreats, event planning and speaking.
Recently, I looked through my conference goodie bag and found pictures I made in my notebook during her session. Valerie used lots of imagery while speaking which made it so enjoyable for me to draw, draw, draw 🙂
Valerie walked us step by step on creating a live event. We all left the session wanting more. The information she shared was actionable and practical. Here are my favorite tips.
- An event can be with just 2 people. I never about it that way, but it’s true.
- Engaging the senses during an event makes it memorable. FEEL, SEE, HEAR, SMELL and TASTE
- Don’t squeeze too much into the agenda. People need breathing room. The MAGIC is in the white space.
I took my favorite quote from Valerie and made this sketchnote.
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Resources & Affiliates
Valerie shares her best tips for having a sensational event. Check out her resources and learn everything you ever wanted to know about Live Events, just click here. She takes event planning to a new level; I experienced it myself at the Power Boost Live conference.
When was the last time you were at a magical event? What made it magical? Please comment below.
by Lisa | Dec 4, 2012 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized
The Virginia Women’s Business Conference (#vwbc2012) had such a great line-up of speakers. This event was held on 11/16/12 and I can’t wait to attend next year. One of the most highly tweeted sessions was given by Darnyelle Jervey.
Darnyelle is an award winning author, speaker, and business strategist. She is a business builder and a motivator who empowers women by helping them define their purpose and leverage their Incredible Factor.
Key take-aways from Darnyelle Jervey:
- Release your incredible factor and change the lives of others.
- You should be marketing your business 10-12 hours a week.
- You lose an opportunity to market if you have a one sided business card.
- When a problem is top of mind, people are actively seeking solutions.
- Identify your audience of 1, who has the problem you can solve.
Awesome stuff. You can tell which ones were my favorites because I made them bold above 🙂
I really had fun creating these visual summaries. Especially drawing the wand and the incredible magic dust. Just makes me smile. Hope you enjoy.
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@seeincolors gives special thanks to acpollard, @Prepare2Speak, @Socially_Social, and many others who tweeted this session.
Resources & Affiliates
Check out the free resources and products that Darnyelle offers, just click here (affiliate link). If success is your goal, she has the systems and the tools to help you get there.
What was your favorite quote from Darnyelle? Comment below.
by Lisa | Nov 27, 2012 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized

Fabienne Fredrickson, is the founder of She specializes in small business marketing and teaches solo-entrepreneurs worldwide on how to attract more clients.
Her twitter profile, @fabienne, says it all. She is a millionaire mompreneur, speaker, and author. Fabienne is also a contributor to @Forbes, @OpenForum, and @NYTimes.
As the keynote speaker for the Virginia Women’s Business Conference (#vwbc2012), she was able to share her background and success. The conference was held on 11/16/12 and was filled with entrepreneurs and business owners with a vision.
Here are a few key points from her session:
The ones who think they can change the world are the ones who actually will.
If you are unemployable, you are meant to be an entrepreneur.
Play BIGGER in life, to get the most out of it.
These quotes were so motivating. Not just to me but by many others who tweeted during this session. I was really excited to draw these visual summaries, hope you enjoy.
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@seeincolors gives special thanks to @successnthecity, @Prepare2Speak, and many others who tweeted this session.
Resources & Affiliates
Fabienne has a generous offer (well, free offer) that I think you’ll really enjoy. It’s a FREE audio CD entitled “How to Attract All the Clients You Need.” To get your copy of the free CD, just click
Are you ready to play BIG? I am feeling bigger already! Comment below.