by Lisa | Mar 19, 2013 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized
Dan Miller is an author, coach, entrepreneur, speaker, and a creative thinker of low cost business ideas. “Wisdom Meets Passion” (affiliate link) is the name of Dan Miller’s new book . It’s a great collaboration between Dan and his son Jared.
I feel like I know Dan on a first name basis because I am member of the 48 days community and I have listened to his podcasts for years! I often rotate and try out new podcasts, but Dan never goes out of rotation.
I was happy to learn that Jen McDonough, also a 48 days community member, was interviewing Dan for her radio show. You can hear the full interview here.
See my sketchnotes below for the rich pieces I heard during this interview.
For a larger view, click the image to expand.

What was your favorite take-away? Comment below.
by Lisa | Mar 6, 2013 | Business, Entrepreneur, Uncategorized
The Pennsylvania Conference for Women (#Pennwomen) hosted an information packed teleseminar called “Building Your Business” with Melinda Emerson. If you have a small biz and you missed this, you can check it out here.
Melinda Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady, is America’s #1 small business expert and publisher of Succeed As Your Own Boss. I’ve heard Melinda speak many times and she always delivers the goods. So glad I had a chance to hear this teleseminar.
If you are not listening to seminars and podcasts on a regular basis, I encourage you to give it a try.
Whether I’m walking my dog or driving my car, there is always time to hear something new that I can learn and apply to my business.
Listening is also key to my work as a Sketchnote Artist and Graphic Recorder, so this was a great opportunity to keep my skills sharp.
See my sketchnotes below from the session.
You can click on the image to expand.

What was your biggest take-away? What will you take action on today? Comment below.
by Lisa | Feb 24, 2013 | Business, Entrepreneur
I’ve been following Barbara Corcoran for a long time. I remember my sister and I dreaming of real estate riches and gazing at gorgeous photos on The Corcoran Group website 😀
Small Businesses Do It Better hosted a live interview with Barbara Corcoran recently and I created sketchnotes from the session.
Like many others, I am also a huge Shark Tank fan. So, I was delighted to see this tweet from Barbara Corcoran who loved the sketchnotes.
Special thanks to interviewer Carissa Dunphy for asking great questions during the interview.
Check out the visual summary.
Enjoy. Learn. Apply.
You can click the image to expand for a larger view.

Click to Expand the Image
Thanks for reading! I appreciate all the comments and feedback that you send me (smile). I love referrals too, please continue to spread the word about See In Colors.
If you want to use visual images for your next project, conference, or strategy session, contact me today for ideas. I’m happy to help.
by Lisa | Jan 26, 2013 | Business, Entrepreneur, Technology
Dell used the power of graphic recording at each of their Think Tank sessions, which focused on small business and entrepreneurship. I was excited to be the Graphic Recorder for the Philadelphia stop on the tour, #smallbizphilly. The purpose of this event was to create an open, honest and collaborative forum with 30 to 45 influential small business owners, entrepreneurs, startups and local leaders in the area.
Graphic recording allowed participants to see the connections in the conversation. The visual images also allowed Dell to capture meaningful feedback so they can better serve the small business community.
The Business Experts included Melinda Emerson, Josh Kopelman, and Ammi Kassar.
The session started with a review of the infographic I created prior to the event. The infographic was based on a survey of small business owners in Philadelphia.
To expand, click the image.

Each of the business experts led sessions giving advice and answering questions. Check out the visual summaries I created real-time during this event.

What was your biggest takaway from the images above? Please share and leave a comment.
by Lisa | Jan 22, 2013 | Business, Entrepreneur, Tory Johnson, Uncategorized
Here is some great advice that you can put into action.
Tory Johnson is a speaker , author, and contributor on Good Morning America. Tory is the visionary behind Women for Hire career expos and Spark & Hustle a national conference for business owners. Tory is passionate about small business owners succeeding and her advice is to work from a Top 50 Prospect List.
Tory says, at all times, you should be adding people. companies, associations to your Top 50 that you want to do business with in the future. This should be a living list, meaning you keep adding and taking away names as needed. When you have your Top 50 you can be laser focused on who you will market to and how you will serve them.
That advice gave me the inspiration to draw this picture and start my own Top 50.
Who do you put on your top 50 list? How do you generate leads? Well, let’s step back. You provide a service/product that solves a problem. Who is having this problem? Who could use your help? The answer is your top 50 prospects.
Now I have to admit, I was happy with my list of 5 prospects. When I heard 50, I thought to myself “Aaargh.”
But you know what? I’ve been chipping away at it, and I have 46 now. I’m on a roll.
You can use any tool to keep track of your top 50. My favorite method right now is using the Twitter list feature to keep track of mine.
By the time you read this, I may have my 50 already. Woot! You can do it, and it’s soooo worth it.
Don’t forget the Spark & Hustle conference, it’s a sure-fire way to build your Top 50 list!
How do you find names for your Top 50 Prospect List? Comment below.