by Lisa | Apr 29, 2014 | Productivity, Social Media, Technology

Hashtags are popping up everywhere. #hashtagsaretakingover. Okay, I just had to do that, because creating a hashtag is just that simple.
A hashtag is composed of a single word or phrase beginning with a “#” and with no spaces or punctuation. Hashtags were originally created by Twitter users and have now been adapted across all of social media.
You can start to leverage the power of hashtags when planning your next conference.
Before the conference:
- Include the hashtag in all of your printed and online materials. For example, the event program, handouts, sponsor package, and PowerPoint slides.
- Update the social media profile for the organization or event to include the hashtag in the profile description.
- Use social media to bring awareness about the event and include the hashtag in all posts. Remind your event team, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers to spread the word using the hashtag.
- Promote your events using hashtags by having contests and give-aways. Partner with sponsors for a win-win on both sides. This will generate interest and buzz around your event.
During the conference
- Remind attendees from the stage (during breaks, before lunch, etc) to tweet or post their pictures and favorite moments of the conference using the hashtag.
- Display posts and tweets from attendees with the hashtag during breaks.
- I always include the hashtag of the event when I am graphic recording. For example, here is an image I created real time at a Small Business Think Tank hosted by Dell. I included the hashtag #smallbizphilyy. If you are using a Graphic Recorder, ask them to include the hashtag in all the visual summaries for your event.

#thatisall… Of course, I have to end this post with a hashtag.
Please share and comment below.
by Lisa | Apr 28, 2014 | Business, Entrepreneur
The George Washington Women in Business recently held their annual Spring Conference #DrivingVision and I was the official Graphic Recorder for all the keynotes. This day long event focused on real world business advice and fostering relationships. This event included over 300 students from George Washington University and 80 professionals across the country.
The first keynote was from Marne Levine, VP, Global Public Policy, Facebook. Below is an action shot of me graphic recording real-time at the conference during her speech.

These visual summaries help participants retain more of what they heard at the conference so they can stay engaged to take action. Here are the completed images from the graphic recording of all the keynote speeches
For a larger view, click the image to expand.

For a larger view, click the image to expand.

For a larger view, click the image to expand.

I love Marla Beck’s tip to always “Be Scrappy.” What was your biggest takaway? Please comment below.
by Lisa | Mar 28, 2014 | Community
Are you a caregiver for an older adult? Okay, well I’m raising my hand 🙂
I am a caregiver for my sweet 98 year old grandmother so….
I was excited to work on this project about Family Caregivers in Montgomery County, Maryland. The Montgomery County Commission on Aging hosted the meeting and I am so impressed by the work they are doing for seniors. The meeting was held on Feb 28 at the Silver Spring Civic Building.
The conference room was filled to the brim with caregivers eager to share and learn about services offered in Montgomery County.

The meeting started with introductions by Odile Brunetto, Director, Montgomery County Area Agency on Aging and Judy Levy, Chair, Montgomery County Commission on Aging.
Elinor Ginzler, Sr Director, Jewish Council for the Aging facilitated the meeting. While Elinor guided the discussion with the audience, I created the visual summaries from the key points.
For a larger view, click the image to expand.

There was also a break-out session with subject matter experts on hand to answer questions. After the session, each “expert table” did a report-out of the key topics covered at their table. See my graphic recording below based on those highlights.
For a larger view, click the image to expand.

Using the power of graphic recording helped people see the connections and come up with new strategies for such an important topic. I am so glad I was a part of this project 🙂
What’s your experience as a caregiver? Can you relate to any of the points in the visual summaries? Comment below.
by Lisa | Jan 13, 2014 | Community
I really enjoyed graphic recording for the “All Around The County” transportation meeting. Montgomery County held a community meeting with seniors to discuss inclusive transportation. It was a packed house and the feedback was terrific!
For a larger view, click the image to expand.

For a larger view, click the image to expand. Photo with Lisa Nelson (l) and Elaine Binder (r)- Montgomery County Commission of Aging

For a larger view, click the image to expand.

For a larger view, click the image to expand.

by Lisa | Jan 13, 2014 | Productivity
When I heard this quote, I was so inspired. It’s so easy to get caught up in the world of PERFECTION.
Time is so precious, and it’s often wasted in trying to make everything perfect. So let me encourage you. If you have a thought or a plan, work on it.. seize the day! You don’t have to get all your ducks in a row. If you even have ducks 😀
What’s important is to keep moving forward. Go bravely! Each experience teaches us a lesson. A Good Plan TODAY is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.
For a larger view, click the image to expand.

I would love to know about your success stories. How do you get unstuck? Please share and comment below.