by Lisa | May 29, 2017 | Art
Many years ago (1984 to be exact) there was a commercial for Dunkin Donuts with a famous line that went “Time to make the doughnuts!“. Well, you don’t have to get up early and work at Dunkin Donuts to make one! In this quick lesson I’ll show you how to build your visual vocabulary and draw a doughnut in 5 easy steps.
Let me show you how you can use this image at work, school, or home.
- Use a doughnut when you are drawing visual notes. A doughnut image can represent a “reward, treat, dessert, calories, or indulgence“.
- Do you have a meeting, training session, or workshop where you will have breaks in the agenda. Draw your agenda on a flip chart or whiteboard. Then draw a doughnut next to each break in the agenda to represent a break for sweets.
- Celebrating an accomplishment for your team, students, or a family member? Write the word Congratulations on a whiteboard or flipchart and draw a large doughnut next to it.

I will leave it up to you, where to buy your donuts! Personally, I’m a Krispy Kreme fan (smile).
Can you think of more ideas that a doughnut can represent? I’d love to hear it.
Thanks for reading! If you want to use visual thinking for your next project, conference, or strategy session, just contact me for ideas.
by Lisa | May 12, 2017 | Community
On Saturday, May 6th, I had the honor of being a Community Partner for TedxHerndon. Tedx events are local Ted style talks that are independently managed and driven by the community.
What an awesome experience to see speakers like the legendary Nikki Giovanni, Kwame Alexander and so many others. The Master of Ceremonies for the event was Aron Teo Lee, who is also a TedxHerndon veteran speaker.
For this event, I listened to 18 different talks and prepared the charts ahead of time. I created the 18 hand drawn charts in my studio. The last step was to construct tower displays in the lobby for attendees.
Here are some of the pictures from the event!

TedXHerndon Entrance

Yep, this tower I made is taller than me!

9 different talks displayed in a tower.

Attendees stop to reflect and take in the content
Thanks for reading! I appreciate all the comments and feedback that you send me (smile). I love referrals too, please continue to spread the word about my business. I’m thankful to God for wonderful readers like you and for the doors of opportunities that are opening up.
If you want to use visual images for your next project, conference, or strategy session, contact me for ideas
by Lisa | Apr 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
Did you know that only 8% of under represented minorities are STEM professors at 4 year institutions?
Well, I was excited to have a chance to make an impact and be a part of the APLU Includes Summit this week. The summit was focused on STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) pathways and diversity in the professorate.
Believe it or not, my background is in Information Technology. Before I started on this artistic path, most of my working life had been around coding, testing, and applications. Yep… it’s true!
I was hired by The Value Web to join their team and provide graphic recording and facilitate a smooth process for attendees. Our team was all about service and “making things easy” for attendees with facilitation and high impact visuals. It was a great experience working side by side with a top notch team. Team work makes the dream work!
Here are some pictures from the event. I can’t wait until next year, I really enjoyed the energy and ideas from the participants. Change is possible!

APLU Summit Participants

Plenary Session for Day 1 of the #APLUIncludes Summit

Live Graphic Recording

Signage helps attendees to remember the hashtag and to share photos

Posters display the objective of the round robin breakout session

Final Wrap up for Day 2, all done!
Thanks for reading! I appreciate all the comments and feedback that you send me (smile). If you want to use the power of visual learning at your next conference, workshop or event, contact me for ideas.
by Lisa | Apr 15, 2017 | Event Planning
The event you planned is over. Whew!
But…now you are trying to figure out, how to keep engagement going with your attendees.
Sending a thank you letter is a quick and effective way to do it. This is how one of my clients kept the conversation going after their Women In Government Contracting Conference.
It’s a short video with big impact, click the image below to watch.
Thanks for watching! Let me know know your feedback, I’d love to hear from you. If you find this valuable, please share this with someone you know.
If you want to use visual images for your next project, conference, or strategy session, contact me for ideas.
by Lisa | Mar 31, 2017 | Art, Education, Visual Thinking
April 4th is National School Librarian Day. Let’s give librarians a round of applause and celebrate them with visual thinking.
When you think of a librarian, what image comes to mind. Books pop into my mind.
Here is a quick lesson on how to draw a book in 5 easy steps. Give it a shot.

Icons like this can help build your visual vocabulary. Of course you can use this icon to draw tons of concepts. For example a book can represent learning, school, teacher, research, and so much more. And several books together can make a library!
Can you think of more ideas a book icon can represent? I’d love to hear it.
Thanks for reading! If you want to use visual thinking for your next project, conference, or strategy session, just contact me for ideas.