by Lisa | Nov 3, 2017 | Community, Education
We recently finished up an awesome project with OCLC for their annual meeting at the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel.. See In Colors provided graphic recording for hundreds of attendees. OCLC is a global library cooperative whose members are librarians, researchers, and pioneers. Check out the video for a recap of the visual summaries.

Lots and lots of drawing!

Attendees took a poll on 1 word that summarizes the future. When the results came on the screen, I drew this picture for the word INNOVATIVE.
I loved working with the OCLC team. They were created an interactive atmosphere and leveraged all the power of visual communications.Thanks for reading! If you find this valuable, please share this with someone you know.
Are you or maybe someone you know planning a conference? Keep the attendees engaged, they need to SEE the big picture. Just contact me for a free consultation. I’m happy to help (smile).
by Lisa | Oct 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Did you know October is National Cyber Security Month?
The news is filled with stories about cyber attacks, data breaches, identity theft, viruses, lions, tigers and bears, oh my!
It can get a bit overwhelming. I remember my former employer would periodically test us to ensure we were following security guidelines. Yes…. we were tested. Information is valuable and you pay a heavy price when you don’t keep it secure.
The topic of Cyber Security reminded me of a great talk I heard by Alex Schoof at TedxHerndon. See In Colors was a community sponsor for TedxHerndon and I had the opportunity to draw these visual notes (graphic recording) based on his talk.

Take precautions to keep your data safe and secure. It may take an extra step, but it’s always worth it.
Thanks for reading! I appreciate all the comments and feedback that you send me (smile). If you want to use the power of visual communications at your next conference, just contact us.
by Lisa | Aug 25, 2017 | Business, Education, Facilitation, Graphic Recording
What happens when you are running a meeting or a workshop and the group starts to stray away from the agenda?
Maybe someone mentions a topic and another person jumps in to add their thoughts. Before you know it, the entire group is now discussing something outside the scope of your meeting. I have seen this happen time and time again. And so have you right? When I am supporting a facilitator with graphic recording, I always offer to create a Parking Lot for the meeting.
The Parking Lot is a placeholder for capturing ideas that should be followed up at a later date outside of the meeting. It keeps your meeting on course and it shows the contributor that you acknowledge their idea/concern.
Here is a quick video that explains how to use the technique.
What’s your favorite method for keeping meetings on track? I’d love to hear it.
Facilitating a meeting involves juggling a number of moving parts. We hope this technique will help you during your next meeting or workshop. Learn how we can support you with visual notes and meeting design, click here
by Lisa | Jul 14, 2017 | Business
On July 10th I had the chance to provide graphic recording for NASSP at the National School Principal Conference. This conference brought over a thousand K-12 principals from across the country to Philadelphia, PA. In the evening, the NASSP had their Salute to Leaders Recognition and Awards program.
Here are some pictures from the event. I can’t wait until next year, I really enjoy sharing the power of visual learning with education leaders.

The Jostens Team (yes, the company you bought your graduation ring from!)

Display Setup in Expo Hall give attendees time to reflect.

Breakout session led by Jayne Ellspermann & Tom Dodd

Keynote Speaker Simon Bailey, “Releasing Leadership Brilliance”

NASSP Salute to Leaders, recognition and awards
Thanks for reading! I appreciate all the comments and feedback that you send me (smile). I love referrals too, please continue to spread the word about See In Colors.
If you want to use visual images for your next project, conference, or strategy session, just contact me for ideas. I’m happy to help.
by Lisa | Jun 25, 2017 | Education, Visual Thinking
Last week I worked with over 200 leaders in education. It was the 21st SURN Leadership Conference held at the College of Willliam & Mary in Williamsburg, VA. The conference ran from 6/19-6/20 and included speakers and workshops that brought innovative thinking and insight to attendees. I provided graphic recording for 5 different sessions, check out some of the photos below.

It’s a full house! Educations Leaders ready to engage at #SURNLC2017

BIG Board for BIG Ideas! Title done, now I’m ready for capture.

Here is the after, Visual summary for the Opening Keynote all finished. Speaker: John Almarode

Concurrent Session: Speaker, John Almarode. Love his presentation style, very active with music and audience participation.

Mike Schmoker was so engaging with the audience. He showed an example about tying shoe laces with his own shoes. Can you find the shoes in my chart? Double click to expand.

Closing session by Steven Staples was great. He shared facts and inspiration for leaders.

I had the honor of being a presenter this year.
I thoroughly enjoyed teaching this workshop. The participants jumped right in and were so creative. They even shared their work on social media #SURNLC2017 to inspire others!

Teaching Sketchnotes for Beginners to a full class of 30 education leaders.

My final quote to the workshop participants.
This was such a positive and action oriented conference. I am excited to see the plans for next year!
Thanks for reading! If you find this valuable, please share this with someone you know.
If you want to use visual images for your next project, conference, or strategy session, just contact me for ideas. I’m happy to help (smile).