I remember the first time I saw Zig Ziglar live.  It was many years ago at a conference in Washington, DC.  He was dynamic, funny and so personable.  So glad I was able to see him in person.  He will be missed, but never forgotten.

I created this drawing of one of my favorite quotes from Zig Ziglar about being extraordinary.

 "Zig Ziglar" Quote Service

For a larger view, click the image to expand.

Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar,  American author, salesman, and motivational speaker.

He was a best-selling author who wrote more than 30 sales and Zig_Ziglarmotivational books, 10 of which have appeared on best-seller lists and have been translated into more than 36 different languages.  As a speaker, he appeared with six former U.S. presidents, world leaders, business leaders, and countless sports and Hollywood celebrities. He helped people to achieve long-term balanced success based on his philosophy of character and attitude.

Do you have a favorite Zig Ziglar quote? Please share and comment below.

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Visual Thinker | Graphic Recorder | Sketchnote Artist at See In Colors
Lisa Nelson loves combining art with life. She is the Founder and Chief Visual Strategist of See In Colors where she leads a team that designs, facilitates, and captures conversations with hand-drawn pictures. By blending the power of visuals, communication and project management, Lisa helps organization have impact for social change. See In Colors is based in the Washington, D.C. area and serves clients world-wide.
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