Thinking of the next big business move? Or dreaming up a big idea? Get creative and think outside of the box with a new way of brainstorming using pictures! This form of visual thinking can help you expand your thought process and get more out of your brainstorm sessions.

Below are our top four tips for visual thinking!

Incorporate more color. Sticking with black and white can be a little dull and on the boring side. Bring some color into the mix. You can color code ideas to represent goals, topics and more. Don’t forget to add some neon post-it notes to the mix. This is where your creativity can come out!

Connect similar thoughts. Draw an icon in the center to represent the topic.  Draw lines to branch out from the central image. Now group fresh ideas and thoughts inside thought bubbles or clouds to keep things organized. Need some help with your drawing skills? Take our FREE icon course for more tips! Another way to keep ideas grouped is through highlighting similar topics. Allow your color coding to come into play again through this organizational tip.

Go big. Big paper means BIG ideas. Don’t limit your space with small pieces of paper. Grab some poster board or large pieces of butcher paper. If your company has a print shop, ask them for some plotter paper which tends to be 30” inches or so wide. You can draw and write large ideas and have smaller topics or action items branch off of your big idea. Bring a few pieces to make sure you don’t run out of room and can keep the ideas flowing!

Encourage participation. Get the office or team involved with this process. You can expand your original ideas or let them bring new thoughts to the table. One way to encourage participation is to bring colored dots to your session. Allow each participant to use their dots to identify which idea they like the most and contribute their vote! The dots could also serve as a representation of their roles in the company as shown in the image below. See where everyone adds their talents!

Dream big and have fun! If you think your not sure how to plan a brainstorming session, we can support you,  just contact us. We would love to help!

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Visual Thinker | Graphic Recorder | Sketchnote Artist at See In Colors
Lisa Nelson loves combining art with life. She is the Founder and Chief Visual Strategist of See In Colors where she leads a team that designs, facilitates, and captures conversations with hand-drawn pictures. By blending the power of visuals, communication and project management, Lisa helps organization have impact for social change. See In Colors is based in the Washington, D.C. area and serves clients world-wide.
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