Panels are a great way to engage an audience through multiple perspectives on current events, industry trends and more. The perfect addition to any conference or event, panels can help peak interests of lots of audiences depending on the variety of speakers you have featured. Another great way to increase the excitement around your event’s panel is through graphic recording. Check out our three tricks for making a panel be the highlight of your next event!

Make your panel shine with visual notes

Create Visual Summaries – Hire a graphic recorder to summarize your panel through visual notetaking. No more “death by powerpoint” or scribbly meeting notes, bring something fresh to the experience. These visual summaries can include the main points, fun details and encouraging words from the panel. Bonus Tip: Let your graphic recorder know if want to include panelists names and social media accounts so participants can continue to follow along long after the event is completed.

Visual notes from Technology Transfer in the Federal Sector.

Encourage Photos – Encourage your panelists to take photos with attendees in front of the visual summary. This could serve as a fun backdrop! Have them stand by their favorite quote from the panel or devote a section of the visual summary to each panelist for them to pose by.  

Get Social with Sound Bites – Pulling quotes and strong snippets from the panel can be great for social media sharing. Tell participants to take photos and post on their platforms with a specific event hashtag. Tag panelists as well to promote your event and content reach with their followers as well. When your company is sharing on social, be sure to include details about ways to stay in the loop to encourage sign-ups for future gatherings. Once people see what is shared through these visual summaries, it will undoubtedly pique interest for the next event!

These are just a few ideas to get you started! Want more ways to engage with your audience for your next event? Check out our services for more information and ideas!

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Visual Thinker | Graphic Recorder | Sketchnote Artist at See In Colors
Lisa Nelson loves combining art with life. She is the Founder and Chief Visual Strategist of See In Colors where she leads a team that designs, facilitates, and captures conversations with hand-drawn pictures. By blending the power of visuals, communication and project management, Lisa helps organization have impact for social change. See In Colors is based in the Washington, D.C. area and serves clients world-wide.
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