Update: For 2023 my word for the year is EXPLORE.

Update: For 2022 my word for the year is CREATE.

Update: For 2021 my word for the year is LEVERAGE.

Update: For 2020 my word for the year is ACTION.

Update: For 2019 my word for the year is DELEGATE.

Update: For 2018 my word for the year is CONNECTION.

Update: For 2017 my word for the year is EXPANSION.


Let me tell you…. I stopped making New Year’s resolutions many years ago.

I know it works for some people but as for me… nah.

I still have my resolutions from the 80’s that I never finished. Oh my!

Last year I decided to set an intention for the year around one word.  DO.   I drew a picture of my word and shared it with my friends and family.  There’s something about sharing that helps you stay accountable and makes you push a little harder.


My word in 2016

Now it’s your turn.  Choose a word for the new year.  Need some ideas for your word? Here are a few.  FAITH, ACTION, PEACE, REST, FOCUS, CONSISTENT, DETERMINED, HEALTHY, BRAVE, PRESENT, INTENTIONAL, GROWTH, FORWARD, SLOW, IGNITE, and JOY.  There you go, that’s should get your wheels turning!

I created a blank template that you can use for this year.  Click here for the full size PDF you can print on 8.5 x 11 paper.


Word for the Year Template

Templates (worksheets) like the one above can also be used for training and coaching.  Templates help you visualize and work through a process, goal, or strategy.  Try using templates with your clients, to learn more just contact me.

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Visual Thinker | Graphic Recorder | Sketchnote Artist at See In Colors
Lisa Nelson loves combining art with life. She is the Founder and Chief Visual Strategist of See In Colors where she leads a team that designs, facilitates, and captures conversations with hand-drawn pictures. By blending the power of visuals, communication and project management, Lisa helps organization have impact for social change. See In Colors is based in the Washington, D.C. area and serves clients world-wide.
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